Cryptographic Key Generation From Fingerprint

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Cryptographic Key Generation From Fingerprint

Key Generator

  1. Fingerprint and iris features integration for cryptographic key generation is discussed in detail. The steps involved in the proposed approach based on multimodal biometrics for 256 bit cryptographic key generation are2, 1.Extraction of minutiae points from fingerprint. 2.Cryptographic key generation from fingerprint features.
  2. Further, there is a need to generate different cryptographic keys from the same biometric template of a user. Cancellable transformation of biometric data prior to the key generation is known as a solution. In this paper, we propose an approach to generate cryptographic key from cancellable fingerprint templates C.
  3. The construction of cryptographic key from biometrics is used to make safe our system. To implement this concept, sender’s recent fingerprint would be used to construct key by combining it.

Cryptographic Key Lifecycle

Biometric-based cryptographic key generation, in fact, has many inherent problems. /sftp-generate-new-host-key-known-hosts.html. One major problem is that, similar key may not be generated each time because of different biometric sensors, different orientation of captured biometric trait, different scaling or noise in fingerprint data.